Pay attention to these problems when installing bathroom mirrors!-Kaiping Xinmngguang Hardware Products CO,LTD Location:Home » News » Business
Pay attention to these problems when installing bathroom mirrors!
Addtime: 2021-08-25

Bathroom mirrors should be installed and used in locations that avoid showers or bathtubs to provide enough space for bathing activities. Taking into account privacy and Feng Shui reasons, the environment should face the wall as much as possible, and avoid facing the door or window. When choosing lighting fixtures for the bathroom space, we can consider using downlights or wall lights. We do not recommend installing and using spotlights in the bathroom. Although the spotlights look good, they usually have poor waterproof effect, and they will usually be damaged after a short period of time.


Many interior decoration owners will intentionally reduce the bathroom space in the interior decoration process to enlarge the bedroom or living room, and then use the refraction of the environment to create a false space, and use the illusion of visual effects to improve the bathroom space.

If you happen to think like this, then you have to choose light shades as much as possible in the choice of bathroom colors. Light colors can make your bathroom look larger, while dark colors can give people a sense of oppression. The refraction of the environment will become more and more oppressive, so the bathroom should be decorated, and the bathroom color is best to choose light colors!

The bathroom is equipped with a circumstance, and the light in the bathroom is dim. No matter what the color layout of the bathroom, it will appear dim. Through the refraction of the circumstance, it is obvious that the bathroom has become increasingly dim and narrow. If the bathroom is dim, and wherever it is refracted, there will be obvious strong light in the environment. The contrast between light and darkness in the bathroom is large, and the light in the bathroom mirror will easily make people uneasy.

If the light is turned on, the bathroom is still very dim, and the quality of the environment is greatly reduced. Therefore, it is not recommended that you design a dim bathroom. Some people think that dimness is more stylish. In fact, it is not suitable for the issues of feng shui and environment.

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